Spring Gathering - Ziigwan Zagaaswe'iwe
May 25 at 6 AM to May 28 at 9 PM
19 Boston Post Road, Amherst NH 03031
Spring gathering ceremony. To honor Spirit and opening of the Area for coming gatherings of the people.
All are welcome from children to Elders. This is a community gathering.
May 25, 2017
6:00 am - Sunrise - Fire lighting ceremony.
May 26,2017
7:00 am - Sunrise ceremony.
6:00 pm - Sweat Lodge, fire lighting 4:00 pm
6:00 pm - Sweat Lodge, fire lighting 4:00 pm
May 27, 2017
7:00 am - Sunrise ceremony.
9:30 am - Opening prayers with Pipe & Water Ceremony & Berry Ceremony and teachings. (All Pipes are welcome)
9:30 am - Opening prayers with Pipe & Water Ceremony & Berry Ceremony and teachings. (All Pipes are welcome)
12:01 pm - Potluck Feast Meal.- Bring whatever you like for sharing among the attendees.
1:00 pm - Talking Circle.- Sharing with one another and getting in touch with the oneness of our gathering.
3:00 pm - Storytelling.- A sharing of stories of the people. Anyone can offer a story.
4:00 pm - Gifting blanket offering - Bring anything you would like to gift to others. Everything is put on a blanket and all in attendance take somethiing from the blanket until everything is gone.
4:00 pm - Honoring the Fire. Visiting and Sharing.
4:00 pm - Honoring the Fire. Visiting and Sharing.
May 28, 2017
7:00 am - Sunrise ceremony.
12:00 pm - Sweat Lodges will be available on Sunday,
12:00 pm - Sweat Lodges will be available on Sunday,
Donations are gratefully accepted to continue the work.
This is a Drug and Alcohol Free area.
Camping at ceremony is permitted.
Note Attire: REspect for the teachngs sugests that men wear long pants and woman full length skirts or dresses in the ceremony areas.
Any questions call Jim at:
603-261-7228 or
email: noodin@northeastcultural.com .
Gigawabamin iiwidii,
[we will see you there]
“To be centered is to stand alone together” Noodin
James B. Beard aka Noodin is the author of "White Mocs on the Red Road ~ Walking Spirit in a Native Way". Uniquely presented to aid people in gaining insight to the mysteries of the Elder teachings of the Traditional Native American.